*Psst, hey you, click +, you get free memes* Time & time again, when moderators come on servers to record hackers, the accused hackers turn their hacks off when they see the mod, thus nullifying the ability to get them banned. I propose allowing moderators the ability to use /gm 3 while moderating. It is a great tool that needs no coding whatsoever as it is a part of the game, and it comes with great advantages. Firstly, when moderators are in /gm 3, they are rendered invisible to everyone. This allows them to be able to record hacks while hackers are oblivious to them actually being there, allowing for bigger name hackers and cleaner servers to be a reality. Secondly, moderator's names are also removed from the list while in /gm 3, allowing hackers who use tab often not to see their names pop up. Thirdly, if there is a hacker in a closed environment such as castle or the iron room in the mines, any aura that is used will actually hit them, making for easy recording of hackers. One might say a moderator could abuse these permissions. However, I fail to see how they could, as they cannot pvp in /gm 3, and they cannot affect any pvp contests in /gm 3 as well. The benefits far outweigh the theoretical problems.
This is a great replacement of /v, as I could see why Cyp hesitates when giving us that. It would be extremely easier and convenient to catch hackers without them toggling, or us disrupting a game by us just flying around. I'd love to see this added. Support!