Thanks for your opinion. I truly think that I am prepared for this position again & I think this would be the best time to apply. Thanks! :D
I CANNOT SUPPORT THIS ENOUGH OMG! You are a fabulous person, funny, SUPER NICE, and you know how to make someone feel better when they are down. Honestly you deserve this position, I don't usually say that. But, things you might want to work on: *Activity *Going on others gamemodes That's not much, because you do a whole lot of other things! SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT
Support. I'm positive that you'll have the second chance of being moderator, you we're a great one too. I still have your head, Op PvP. In /pv 2. I love you!
Woah, thank you so much! I will try my best on improving my activity on forums. Thanks! :> Thank you for the polite words. Thank you all! <3 Ok! Are there any reasons to share why you don't support or what I shall improve on? Alright, although is there anything you shall wish for me to improve on?