Moderator Application By: yeahsquirrelHello there, and thank you for taking the time to read my Moderator Application. I hope you will enjoy my application, and have a good day! What is your IGN? My In-Game-Name is yeahsquirrel. What timezone are you in? I live in Central Standard Time. What country do you live in? I live in the United States of America. What languages do you speak? I only speak English. Do you have 2FA enabled? At the moment it is still downloading. Do you have necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) For video evidence I have OBS, and for pictures and such I can send my screenshots. Why do you think you should become a mod? There are many reasons why I think I should become a mod. I will list some of the many reasons below. Helpful This is one of the key traits needed in a moderator or any other staff member. It's needed to help the server go round. If I ever see somebody in Infection asking questions such as: "How do you get XP?" I would tell them all the ways to get XP. Like, killing zombies or voting. Careful As a member of the staff, being careful is a great quality. Because not every player that is accused actually did something. That's where being careful comes into play. As a careful Mod you can make more people happy with a very precise decision on what way to act. Loyal If a staff member wasn't loyal, they wouldn't be a true staff member. Being loyal means that you will never let someone down. As a Mod being loyal to the server is everything. For somebody like me Mineverse is my favorite server, and I will always be loyal to Mineverse as a whole. Trustworthy Being trustworthy is very important. If you are lying you will be disliked among everybody. A Mod should be trusted to make the right decisions. If not, they are doing it wrong. Bias When dealing with issues you should never be biased. Being biased would be very unfair to the other player. A biased opinion can lead to angry players which is always a bad thing. That is why I have chosen the path of being non-biased. Kind Being kind is great for stopping ignorant and mean people from harming other people in chat. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Sunday: 1.5+ hours Monday: 45 minutes - 1 hour Tuesday: 45 minutes - 1 hour Wednesday: 45 minutes - 1 hour Thursday: 45 minutes - 1 hour Friday: 1 hour - 2 hours Saturday: 1.5+ hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse for almost 2 years now. Have you very been banned in the past? (Forums & In-Game) I have never been banned on forums or In-Game. But I have been kicked. Do you have any past experience as a Mod? I do have some past experience as a Mod on a small server. I was a Co-Owner on a small server, and I was also an Admin on a decent sized server. I know some commands needed to be a Mod: /ban [Player] [Reason] ~ yeahsquirrel - Permanently bans a player. /tempban [Player] [Time] [Reason] ~ yeahsquirrel - Bans a player for a certain amount of time. /mute [Player] [Time] - Mutes a player for a certain period of time. (Do not do /mute [Player] because the is a permanent). /fly - Allows me to fly so that I can watch over the server. /god - enables me to not be hurt by anything so that I will not be disturbed while examining players. Thank you for reading through my entire application. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you and have a good day.
So why exactly did you put (Infection) in front of your moderator application? The moderator position is global. Applying for one particular game-mode flew out the window months ago.
No Support Become more active in-game and on forums Get to know the community Do more reports Add a little more information Reduce the font size of the green text You can only be a global moderator Good luck.
No support sorry, You have no included the header about accepting the criteria and meeting them all however this may be because you do not meet all the criteria as you have under 50 posts
Neutral. I have seen you in-game but not a lot. Infection does need more moderators. But you have to be a global mod if you want moderator on infection.
No support. You can only apply for Global Moderator. At this rate, you're probably not going to make it, honestly speaking. However, I wish you good luck.