Hey guys! We all know bedwars is the most played minigame in Mineverse. I think we should add some advantages to the ranked players like random loot or other bedwars stuff. For example, a god can get can some random stuff like 3 gold, a chestplate, a golden sword, etc. Higher ranks would get better and more stuff than lower ranks. Items given can be less than 5 of each or less. Hopefully this gets good feedback and if not, it's ok and thanks for your time. -Sorry for some bad grammar :/
No support, this would make the game unfair with this advantage for donors like infection and Skywars are. Adding on to what @Flazer said, it should be fair. What if a Titan got a ender pearl?
This is a good idea, but as stated above, Bed wars is supposed to be fair, not like Infection and other gamemods. No Support, Sorry.
No support. This would give unfair advantage to certain teams where there is a higher concentration of ranked players as compared to default ranked players.
The reason I play bedwars is because there is no perks for ranks, making the game fair and equal to all, and I really like that, and its the reason why I love playing bedwars with my friends. No Support