Support, you've been playing this server for quite awhile and seem to be active but only on specific gamemodes but yet popular <3. Good luck buddy
No Support, sorry. The reason is that you are going on to people's moderators applications and saying 2 things. To the people who are reapplying you say that they already have a chance and that they should let other people try to become moderator. Then you end it saying (not referring to me). It kind of is referring to you because you think that if they get reaccepted, then that will lower your chances. Then for other people you say "not enough reports." Not all of us can do 8 pages of reports under 50 hours. Reports aren't the only thing that make you a good moderator. Now I don't want to start a fight or anything, but those are my reasons.
I already said I'm not referring to my self. I am going to wait a while until I seriously go hard for moderator. I personally think that this is to early for me wanting to get moderator already.
What? First that isn't a true reason. Stating an opinion that doesn't offend anyone or break any rules isn't a bad thing......
Changing to No support. You are extremely rude on forums and sometimes ingame and you should do more reports. You did a lot before, but now it's decreasing. And, work on activity on all gamemodes. You are also very impulsive and are to quick to respond to people's opinions without thinking what you're saying. If I see improvements, I'll reconsider. Also, stop triple posting. Wait a few minutes for replies, then respond. You can reply to messages in 1 comment. -Good luck.