SithKitten07 Moderator application How old are you? I am 12 I will be turning 13 August. Your in-game name? SithKitten07 What time zone are you in? I am in EST timezone What country are you in? I live in United States of America What languages do you speak? I can only speak English Do you have 2FA enabled? True Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes I use bandicam for recording and I use F2 for screenshot or Gyazo Why do you think you should become a mod? I think i should become a mod because I would like to help the server and other people playing on the server I am very nice can be mean at some times How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active 5-8 hours a day How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing mineverse for about 3 months now Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) I was banned on Fourms for false staff report,I have been banned for death wish on a mod @ItsSniiper im very sorry I've been banned for false hacking wich was unbanned a day later then banned for a false death wish unbanned later that day was also banned for saying "mods are worthless now days" Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No but I know commands like /fly /god /mute (player) (amount of time) (reason) /ban (player) (reason) /tempban (player) (time) (reason) /kick (player) (Reason) /tp (player) /unban (player) Thanks for taking the time out of your day and reading my moderator application If you have no support please tell my why
No support. -Not Active -VERY Disrespectful -This needs more detail and less color. Sorry, I don't think you deserve this position.
No support More information needed Hard to read (colours | Questions and answers look the same) You have to use the 2FA security system to be accepted (due to new events)
No support. Too short, add more information. It doesn't seem as if you really want to become a mod at this point in time. The application is a bit hard to read. Try using darker colors, not lime green as it is hard to read. Space it out a bit more, and use more punctuation. You need 2FA, so I am suggesting you get it. You need to be more active on forums, get known throughout the community. You have only been on Mineverse for 3 months, play for a little longer and get better known on all of the game modes. You may be viewed as rude to some people, but if you give it time and turn your attitude around, and fix the things others and myself have listed then you may have a better chance at becoming a mod. Good luck.