Got a suggestion for y'all Please, for the love of god, add no bow spamming to the Mineverse Official Rules thread Not many people know that this is a rule on infection. For those who don't know what bow spamming is; Bow Spamming: Using the amount of arrows you receive in your inventory from your prestige, then using more than you're allowed to by dying. For example: If you are prestige 10, you receive 4 arrows. You shoot all 4 of the arrows. You die by either suiciding or getting killed by a player or dying naturally (lava or something idk) then you shoot the arrows again. Using more than 4 arrows per round as a p10 is not allowed. If you can't put it in the official rules, at least fix the bug where you get more arrows every time you respawn. Maybe set the gamerule for zombies to keepinventory : true? That's all kthxbye
Because they didn't bother putting in the rules since 1. It's not even meant to be possible 2. It's common sense that it's bannable, but people don't understand it for some reason
There was something on bow spamming on the rules before the new one but Nanurz didn't add it in the current rules.. Support
Arrows are given in some ROFL's. Bow spamming is a natural thing on Minecraft, yes it's annoying on Infection, theoretically it's not bow spamming unless you're infront of them and they keep using bow as a bow boost pull back to knock you away, if they're on top of a tree and they shoot you it's considered camping what is allowed on Infection it's not classed as "bow spamming" if they are shooting you from on top, it's classed as "bow spamming" if you're infront of them trying to get to them while they're just knocking you back with arrows.
I'm not saying they can, as he's saying about bow spamming, normal players can too, that's what most people on Infection used to cry about.
I don't even see why this is a rule... If mineverse really wanted to prevent this dreadful "bow spam" than they should install plugins or something that prevents respawning with more arrows. Players shouldn't have to be worried about unintentionally breaking rules and getting banned. Neutral.