See, the thing is you never know who you can and cannot trust. I would have loved to have this command for the pvp gamemodes as no one would know you were watching. Instead I had to be high up flying in kitpvp and use optifine and record constantly to catch hackers. However someone in chat, totally innocently would hit tab and see I'm in game and call me out in chat and then the hackers that knew I was mod would turn off hacks. It was constantly frustrating to always be called out when entering a gamemode. The staff could greatly benefit from the command but it was taken away because there were staff who abused the commabd before I was on the team. It was out of cyps hands, so you cant blame him. It was Crew's call and with not knowing his own staff, he cant trust them. No fault by my boy Cyp. Ily. For certain gamemodes, the right staff could do some real work but it falls on trust, but you cant trust without risk and without risk there is no reward. The mods are so limited and get crapped on by the community that expects them to be all seeing and all knowing, however they are limited by their higher ups to almost no extra commands and trust to adequately do their job. Sooooo.. as much as anyone supports this, I fought for this for 2 years. Not to abuse with it but to do a better job and rid the servers of hackers that scan for staff. But the midtakes of one or two ruin it for everyone it seems. Punish all for the choice of one.......
This is very well said. I'd love this command solemnly for the use of recording hackers. It would be extremely convienent. If this were to be added, I would hope to have some strict rules on it so that we don't eventually lose the command from what others may consider abuse of it.
This has been suggested many times before this one, and I mostly support them. Sure, moderators could abuse this but we could make it so if you are in combat, you cannot do /v and you are in god mode once you use /v.
Support. Agreed, but I trust MOST Mods. Soo... That's the issue :P There's that element of risk for abusing and trust, but there's also that element of being able to catch hackers more easily.
No support on invisible but support on /gamemode 3 which would be on a sign that only moderators could get to, this is very similar to /v but would be un abuseable imo
Revision from my previous post: - No support for invis and support for /gm 3. I now see why gm 3 will be a safer option that fulfils the purpose for mods having invis.