@Deadly Please leave this thread, you just want to point out things that are not true. Also, reason being why I left my gf was cuz you ddos'ed threatened me and dox threatened me.
Don't worry about your mistakes, mistakes can always be forgiven. The people that voted "No, we don't accept you" just don't have a heart.
Ben, I know I behaved bad with you, used a lot of your resources on HCF.. I'm sorry dude, I just need a chance to improve. Mega has forgiven me for my mistakes I think you should too, I promise it won't happen again.
Please don't accuse me unless you have actual proof of me raiding a grinder anyways, I'm sorry for my behaviour. Hope you could forgive me.
Everyone makes mistakes. It is something that happens. People will eventually forgive you, but you will have to show them you changed. The first step was making this thread, and now you just have to prove to the people who are hesitant that you have changed. They will surely forgive you eventually, but you will have to prove yourself to them. You never did anything to me, so I don't have anything against you. Good luck though, I'm sure they will forgive you with time.
I've never met you. I've probably got more things to apologise about, as shown in my apology thread in Discussion, but that's out of the point. Anyway, well I can't judge but I would forgive you, but I hope you will change. Hopefully you don't need another chance after this.
Everyone deserves a chance to change. I am sure you'll have some people who won't forgive you, but there will be some that will forgive you.