Honestly, I'd like to meet @Puri~ IRL. And probably some other stuff such as getting to know some people better. xd
Meet: @DinoDuck @ParanormalPizza @JuJuRocks @Jhow @Cotner @Exstatisfy @NoMoreSanity @Deadly @BoxmanVenture/DemStrafeZ_ @Lapis(Lapis_Firestar) @Gianna @DoctorDistructo @Crackheadd @winter @Nightfire @Heathxr_ @canucksfan44 @MaxNinja10 @KillTMan2000 and last of all :D @TewPotted
Get recognized. Get no lag. Make everyone in the world have emotion.It would make alot of things better. I would like to meet some people from here.
1. Meet: @Skyyy @PandaBear__ @Nightfire @Realizinq @RachetSenpai @Mineterria @BlackZone @AthleticPsycho @Coastic @thorraks sorry if i left you out 2. I wish I could know my future. There are many things I would take down but I'm not bothered. :t
<3 I would slap Santa_Teresa Minigoomba246 @Dillon Meet: @KillTMan2000 @Crackheadd @MoosePMC @NoMoreSanity @WbcPvP_123/TewPotted @VizardAnon @DoctorDistructo @JuJuRocks @Cxstile @Reborn @Tensions | lionbdcraft @ParanormalPizza @StrKillr @zStrafe @FatFish0110 @Its_Shireen @ItsSniiper Hope I didn't miss out anyb0dy, oh wait. @SurgePlayZGameS xD