Meet @hurtbyart @DinoDuck @Rodeen @Arabic_Bear @Cotner @Aiim/Regathering @MissMisconceived @Clawifier @AngryGinger @RakionMC @ItsSniiper @hurtbyart @Its_Shireen @Pile @NoMoreSanity @Wolf @Discdog1000 @Heathxr_ @TADS @Kyle. IRL <3
Travel around the world with my best friend @Its_Shireen Cant wait till you come to California! It's sooner than you think bbg <3333
I wish... I could change the world to be a better place I could see everything that was going on I could teleport I could meet @Jenn @Rodeen @Pile @Nanurz @MaxNinja10 @AthleticPsycho @Dyna_Mighty @Flazer @StrKillr @Cotner @Its_Shireen @PandaBear__ @Vanishment @Janice999 @BlackZone @Kyle. @MayIsBae @sithkitty IRL (I might have forgetten some people) I could make sure no one was ever hurt emotionally I could be strong and happy, not depressed, when I know I'm not but people think I am I could have real friends that weren't fake. No offense to anyone now.
1. Get unbanned 2. Not get a 2350 on the SAT practice test 3. Get into Stanford/MIT 4. Have kids with a girl I really like irl 5. Meet @Diggy , @Nanurz , @Daniellee , @StrKillr , @rabf75 , @prins545 , @Rodeen , @Kyle. , @Alex and anyone else.
1. Meet these people, and do this with them; Prankcalls with @Jenn <3 Snapchat and pizza with @Rodeen <3 Mcdonald's with @Kyle. <3 #SoRomantic ;) Eat a pizza in front of @ParanormalPizza 's face, I'll eat a vegan pizza just for you. Cuddle with @Exstatisfy while watching a whole marathon of scary movies. <3 Whip and nae nae with @WbcPvP_123/TewPotted Go to the science center with @Titanicguy <- nerd ahaha, just kidding ily <3 Watch deadpool with @Cotner Take butt load of tumblr photos with @Clxrity <3 Steal @hurtbyart 's track suit. Ahaha! <3 Make @Valixta give me grapes and lemonade. Quack quack got any grapes? <3 ;) Pretend to be dinosaurs with @Jaden you know what they say, the sky's the limit! -