Okay, so we all know how on creative there is all this spam from roleplays, trolls, and people trying to talk locally, right? Well this plugin is one that I have had past experience with, and I personally think it would work great for creative. This plugin includes: /ch (channel name) When you type that your chat is set to that channel until toggled off. Ex: /ch global [Global] [Mod] BLueberryWaffle7: I smell good It also has the prefixes such as /g Message to skip the whole toggle on/off thingy. Ex: [Global] [Mod] BlueberryWaffle7: Whoops! *I type: /l Hey there beefy [Local] [Mod] BlueberryWaffle7: Hey there beefy We could make a RolePlay (rp) chat, a Help chat, and even a Nub chat for stuff that no one cares about! It also has a feature that allows you to mute/unmute from one channel (Or all at a time). Anyways, just an idea I had that we could add. Here is the plugin for you curious people: http://www.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/legendchat
Support, just make sure global is set for staff only, otherwise we'll have spam everywhere, making a mods job much harder.
yeah that would be awesome but if like donation ranks and create a channel for there role plays and stuff that be cool too
There is a way to make a staff channel, however global isn't all servers. It is just for all areas of the creative server. Local chat might only affect say, 300 blocks in radius.
Alright, thank you for clarifying, but still, set the global to staff, that'll be some hardcore work if accessed by regulars.
The thing is that, if global was staff only people could only message each other and wouldn't be able to communicate very well. They would have to go through say roleplay or nub chat just to talk to others that aren't near them.
A true roleplay or conversation would be if they were close to eachother, to get into setting and character, so it would be fine for local.
Sounds good 1. Make sure to make an MOD channel only mods/admistrators/owners have acces to that will make it easy for you to Communicate 2. Maybe also an Help channel where people can ask for help and other people in that channel can help cause ot sometimes irretating people spamming for help :/