Well since day 1 ive loved mineverse. Its just well now ive gotten a lot of people that dont like me for no reason and and ive thought about this and thought i considered staying on the server but these hackers scammers and jerks just keep pushing me back to leaving so i think im leaving mineverse I'd like to thank all of my amazing friends on this server for providing the fun of becoming there friend SpringWorld Stepheeee Haxaka KewlMcDude Mpg Pile_of_butts Gsman911 Rommarcaddet Misspvp_ Pixieskylar Initowilly Matt10chr ShadOw Ares_xena AnimalLover Biscuitbunny2001 And the rest of my friends witch names i cant think of right off the bat Well goodbye mineverse i may come back soon.
__tnuk__ I have never been mean to you when we met i tried to team and hangout with you and u denied i asked again about 4 months later and we became friends, then u started beig a jerk to me again so i didnt want to be friends with you, because you were being a jerk.
Ikr i havnt done anything wrong to most of these people Hipsterchick for instance she is just rude and mean in every way i have not done anything to her
And I already stated the issue with __tnuk___. I dont know why half of these people hate me when i havnt done anything wrong