Hello Swiftlicious here, as many of you who play the minigame Bedwars know that the potion Strength is renamed to be Strenght, as well as cooked pork is named Steak, and that mined blocks and blocks bought from the villager are not able to be combined because they are different names, there are a lot of naming errors on bedwars items that should be fixed and are extremely easy to fix for @TannerLittle I'd assume, so at all hope if this can be fixed, it bugs the hell out of me when I have to have 2 seperate block piles, Help me support these changes .
There's always the new developer (Nanurz told me he does specific jobs for them, and no he is not a "contractor") but I don't know who has access to which plugins so maybe not.
It's not an actual list I'm just saying that it's not something important that desperately needs fixing
I don't think anything with Bedwars is, Spec blocking, unbreakable blocks, anti-cheat system, could be added but not at the moment. Hoping still.
Spec blocking is important, thankfully not too many people know it exists and most of those who do don't do it simply because they lost, but it is still a problem and I have lost one or two games because of it. They are just generally annoying. Unbreakable blocks...well be glad obsidian, which is obtainable, is not placeable. Wool also can't be picked up. So eventually the unbreakable block supply will dry out, and to be honest I prefer it if the floor in Skyline Restaurant isn't breakable. That map already has enough sneak attack spots. How about a chat-filter? I can literally say the top-tier swear words (c-word, f-word, b-word) by themselves without any censorship at all and nothing happens.
Support, although this is just a kind of funny issue :P It should have been fixed long ago, but sure, support!