My dog from Survival didn't. Howlet hit it once with her fist and it died.. probably should've kept it safe after it fought Howlet's dog and killed both the baby and her dog ;-;
actually before I got Minecraft I looked up things about the game, like crafting recipes and tricks and stuff, so I was like a "pro noob" that knew a lot about the game but was terrible at the controls I knew how to craft fireworks before I knew how to sprint
first you need to create a fireworks star out of gunpowder and other materials that will change things like the color, effect, shape and size of the actual explosion then you take some paper and gunpowder and up to 7 fireworks stars to create a firework you can change the amount of gunpowder in the recipe to change the height of the explosion
I had Google. Google is lifesaving :3 though I died like 80 times before I even figured out you could break blocks and craft things.
When I first bought the game since my friend introduced me into the game, I had to call him how to move and everything. I remember searching up on google "How to build a bed in minecraft" to sleep :D
Well; The first time I played Minecraft was on the Xbox 360 in 2012, after I watched a lot of funny Minecraft videos from Achievement Hunter. I had only very basic knowledge, but I was a very determined noob. The first thing I did? I build a dirt hut and named it, "Steve's crib," with one fitting bed and a window to top my creation off. My desire to conquer this pixelated world grew. I was like the Jullius Caesar of Minecraft. I seen, I came, and I conquered all of those damn chickens around me! My grand journey ended, though, with the communist ISIS creeper Aloha Snackbar-ing into me, and I was REALLY pissed.