So yesterday I came across a thread about chat filtering hackusation's, Many people no supported it because they said "oh how will we ask let say mods to tp to us to see a hacker" So today I suggest we add a /report and chat filter hackusations. This would be a command that you would "/report Regathering Hacks" and on the mods screen it would say like "a report has come in or someone has reported Regathering on kit pvp!" And this would be a cross game mode command, meaning that if I report someone on opfactions and lets say Cotners on infection it will pop up on his screen :P
I like the idea. Usually players will use /staff to find us and come message us anyway, but this would be convenient. I think there should be some guidelines if it were to be added. If you're someone who is constantly falsifying other's for hacking through /report, it should be punishable for abuse of the command.
Sorry, no support from me. The mods get so much spam in game as it is, this would just significantly add to it.
No support. Although it may be a good idea at the same time we could just /gmsg and message any staff online saying "Methylone hacks could you please come and see?" I feel as if we had the ./report command people would abuse it or it would cause too much spam.
This isn't needed when you can message any staff member with /gmsg and tell them there is a hacker or rule breaker on the gamemode you're playing on.
So basically, They can be on some other game, and I can do /report <name> <reason>? I'd suggest adding /report confirm aswell. "You reported <name> for <reason>. Note that abuse of this command is punishable." And a mod gets notified saying "<name> has reported <name> on <game> for <reason>. Please take action." I don't see why not. Support.