KAGB'S MODERATOR APPLICATION! Introduction: Hello! I'm Kagb! You might see me around kitpvp, op prison, skywars, and more! I enjoy helping Mineverse players and guiding them. This is my 5th application applying. No, I don't just want the rank, but to get feedback to improve on my applications and help people. Please, do not vote this no support just because you don't see me in game or forums, but base it on the application. Now, without further a do, lets begin! Apologies: Im not going to lie. Im going to suck up to it right now and admit that I was using the wurst-hack client. I downloaded it from: wurst-client.tk Yes, this was a mistake. It was the first day I got the client and I was messing around with it. Mineverse was the wrong server to mess with, and now banned on kitpvp. I was using .annoy to annoy herf. @Herf , I am truly sorry for using hacks against you. Basically what .annoy does is that when someone talks you say it right away when they say it. Basically, I did .annoy @Herf . I wont do this to mineverse EVER again. Or any server! I got bored of using the client. Nothing to it. I haven't been on it forever. So all mineverse staff, I'm sorry. And good job to @BlackZone for doing his job and catching me do it. I didn't know that he would find out, and if he didn't after a certain amount of time, I would have reported myself. Anyways, with that over with, lets start! I would also like to say sorry to @Flazer for being rude about his "Demotion." But we both know we were joking around...maybe. How old are you? 15 Your in-game name: Kagb What timezone are you in? AEST (Arizona-Standard, Mountain) What country do you live in? U.S.A What languages do you speak? German, Spanish, French, and English Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I use Screencast-O-Matic and bandicam and leave them open while I am playing. Why do you think you should become a mod? Personally, I love mineverse. Playing on mineverse for 3 years was an enjoyable time. I've always wanted to help mineverse. No, I do not just want that red [Mod] tag, but to help people. Yes, I understand I can be immature sometimes, but I take this job seriously. Nobody ever gives me support on my applications, and I don't understand why. Well, lets start the reasons now! 1. To make myself useful. I don't really feel like I do anything for anyone in real life that's useful. Every now and then, I volunteer for something, or I offer up a service. But I've never really had a full time job on a big scale. Mineverse has grown to be a second life for me over the past month or so. I was devastated to find out Snake, and some other staff were resigning. They were like my friends, and it was sad to see them leave. I feel that I could finally put myself to work doing something helpful. All staff give up there personal time to make the server a safe and friendly environment for us players. I think it's my turn to return the favor, and make their lives easier by helping them, and being useful. 2. To help with making the server a better environment. I sort of said this in the first one, but let me explain what this really means. As well as making sure rule breakers follow all the rules, staff should also make sure that their players are having a good experience. This can easily be done by setting an example. If the staff are always positive, and encouraging, then the players will be too. To me, staff members are 3 things. One: Donators. Not in money, but in time. They give up their own time to make this server a better place. Two: Police. They enforce the rules of the server, and make sure people follow them. And Three: Role Models. They set examples for others. I need to set good examples for younger kids, and for the people not following rules. If accepted, I do not want to be that one shy mod that nobody knows. I want to make people want to play and know that they are safe from evil and hackers. On servers, there are many threats forcing to DDOS. I've seen one on OP-Prison, and no staff were on. I could fill that gap, and stop this and many more. I joined 3 years ago, I started out on Mineverse as a regular player not knowing what were the rules. I even once raged quit off of Mineverse, but I have learned to love Mineverse. I want to help abolish the server from hackers and make Mineverse a cleaner community. I have even purchased a rank, premium. Now, lets list some traits! ACTIVE I am online all the time, sometimes switching around different servers. I can be online 6-12 hours a day! CARING I am caring and loving, and even having that "fatherly" personality. In real life, and in game. I help all the time, in an out of school. I take my school very seriously and never get mad at my friends or anything. I am very forgiving, but not when it comes to hacks or anything in game that someone is breaking the rules. RESPONSIBLE I'm getting straight A's in school and can deal with things that are hard to be dealt with. Taking on the [Mod] rank will be a tough challenge, but I can do it. TRUSTWORTHY You can trust me with anything. I never lie and I always stay calm and give people the opportunity to tell me what is going on. FAST-TYPER As a computer geek for 6 years now, I have gotten the hang of where the keys are. GRAMMAR I spent $30 on an app called Grammarly. It helps you with your grammar and teaches you too! I pay attention in school and am getting straight A's in grammar. HELPFUL In real life, and in game. I'm always looking to help someone. I am on forums all the time and check the help section multiple times a day. EASY-GOING Hackers. There everywhere. If I see a hacker, I wont flood the chat: "OFMGMFMF HAXIR OMG SH*T PIECE HACXOR" instead I would simply get the evidence and report it, then finally ban. Simple as that. HARD-WORKING/DETICATED As a Mineverse Mod, you will need to be dedicated and donate your time to help out. I always do, even without the big [Mod] tag. You have to take your own personal time that you should be doing something else, to help manage the server. How long can you be active on the server everyday? INGAME: Monday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM Wednesday: 3:45 PM - 8:30 PM Thursday - Friday: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM (not in a row) Sunday: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM FORUMS: Monday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM Tuesday: 4:00 PM - 9:30 PM Wednesday: 3:45 PM - 8:30 PM Thursday - Friday: 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM (not in a row) Sunday: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM How long have you been playing Mineverse? I don't know exactly, but roughly 3 years maybe. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Sadly, I have been banned for the first time in kitpvp recently for using the wurst hack client, which was a BIG mistake. I should have never done this. And i wont ever again. Never on forums though, thankfully. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have had 12 staff positions in the past. McFlaws is a Server with skyblock and skywars. McFlaws was the Owner and Where I learned Most of my Skills, But due to Unknown reasons this server has went offline( I was Admin). HypedChromes Is a server that is still in down currently :(. I was the Head-Builder/Moderator of the Server. But due to the Server Currently undergoing Maintenance and now down, I was unable to get Proof. I am also a Admin on a small server called edit. On TilingCraft, I am a Admin/Builder. Many other servers as well. Even a big server called BrutalFactions, a 100-200 player server. I was helper but resigned. Anything Else?: Pros: • I am very active in-game • I am very friendly • Able to type fairly quickly • Can be mature if the need comes • I am very good at stopping arguments • I can speak french Cons: • Cannot speak other languages than those listed above. • Recording software can be slow at times -----<ADDITIONAL INFO>----- Some other things: There is a whole lot of things I could tell you about myself and I could go on for hours and hours. but I'll stick to the main things you should know about me, I'm the kind of person in class that doesn't like to speak out-loud or disrupt the class in anyway. My heat drops when I get in front of a camera, but I do play sports, I play football, basketball, and baseball, but not at the same time. I do each sport at the beginning and end of the school year, my skill at them varies and some days I could be amazing sometimes I could be lacking in skills, but my skill is pretty moderate. Also this may not seem as good but I had a learning disability ever since the 4th grade (dyslexia), But I always view this somewhat of a advantage against other students in school since as I have a IEP. A IEP allows me to get extra time on exams. I am currently a junior in high school.' ----------------
Neutral. I've seen some of your posts on another people's profile and you seem pretty immature. I'd also like for you to improve your activity on forums and ingame and you should also do more reports. -Good luck!
You have a great Application but I have seen you online nor on the forums. Maybe doing some reports. Neutral for now but this can be easily changed ;)
I didn't know if they were joking and that's the only reason you give me no support? I said base it on the application but okay.
Neutral. Nice application Work on activity on forums and in-game I will reconsider my feedback if I see you do these task. Good luck!