On many servers they have it so you can't say hack. I think that we should have that because I am sick an tired of being called one and just hearing people accuse others of hacking it takes up chat and it's really annoying and Im am 100% sure most people agree with how annoying people accusing people of hacking is. ~Ampearson
My thoughts exactly, I've been on other servers where the word is blocked, very annoying when you loose a game because you can't inform your team, to team on the hacker or run from them.
Neutral. I sometimes too get aggravated by someone hackusating me but when it comes to situations where someone is actually hacking you can't like message a mod or something. To edit upon your thread I would say that hackusating in public chat should be against the rules. Ill make a thread about this tomorrow continuing your topic
Still, I'm pretty sure some gamemodes don't have filters, not 100% sure but I think creative doesn't?