So today I suggest that we add a freezing / SS ing type command, where a mod could freeze a player if the player is under suspicion for cheating and ask him/her too get in teamspeak and get on (the most commonly used screen sharing app) This would be really good because mods wouldn't have to watch someone for an hour just to find out he's not cheating or something. So I already suggested /v for mods, but apenratly they're gonna abuse it according to everyone. Anyway I suggest again that we give all staff members except builders /v or /offline because lets say I say "CotnerM tppp theres a hacker!" well Cotner will tp and BAMM the hacker sees someone flying, oh might as well turn off my hacks now, but if he had /v the hacker would have never seen him. And if you say this can be abused. Well dosent Cyp trust his mods?. + Mods can see other mods in /v
As much as I support this, if the hacker knows someone is a mod they'll just turn it off, I suggest a /report too.
No support on /ss. There's no point, in my opinion. I do support that staff members should have /v. The staff team needs to be trusted with more things like this. Being able to vanish will allow so many more hackers to be caught. If it's abused, the abuser will eventually be demoted or punished.
I don't understand why people are no supporting this? lmao? It would only bring good to the server. a /freeze (player) would just get more people banned and /v would get even more people banned. This legit only brings good to the server
Screen sharing someone is one of the most easiest ways they can get caught, if they don't close there mc while screen sharing and you ask then to press F3 if they have hacks open they'll get caught easily, it's the best way to do it.
Ever heard of people having their own insights on certain ideas? Anyways, no support. I think /v should be for staff only really.
I don't support the freeze command because most players will refuse to share their screen, hacking or not. /v would definitely help the server, it's been helpful to many others. I guess the main issue is that the mods could potentially abuse.
On most servers with /ss or /freeze if you say no you get banned and if they aren't hacking why would they be scared to join the screenshare?
If the user is frozen they would have 5mins to join the screen share or they'll be banned for refusing to screen share, everyone who don't hack always screen shares so.. Lol