#misleadingtitle Anywho, there was a time when we first joined Minecraft, we didn't know how to change skins, what to say in chat, how to get mods, what to do on servers, what to do on forums, basically, HOW TO PLAY. Who else feels like this? When did you learn how to do all this stuff after you got Minecraft? Even though I kept watching videos based on Minecraft for 2 years before I got the game, I feel like I learnt all of this 2 years after the purchase of the game ITSELF. #noob
When I first played I tried to jitterclick a log to break it. Took me 15 minutes to realise I was supposed to hold down left click. I taught myself to play.
Oh, so many people have made that mistake... OMG SAME I thought I was the only person who did that. :L
Before I got minecraft in late 2012 I used to play like a trial version on the actual minecraft website which I played lava survival, when I actually got minecraft I didn't know how to make pickaxes as you couldn't craft anything in the trial version. :P
Lava survival was so fun!!! I found a server like 3 months ago which had it but no one played on it. :(
I played XBox 360 version in 2011, and got kind of good at it that way. Then I watched this: Then I joined a server for the first time. I really don't wanna get into that.
LOL G_G when I first started playing I didnt know how to make a crafting table Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk
I found out about minecraft from looking at pocket edition in the app store, as well as watching people on youtube, but my favourite minecraft lets play is the one Dan & Phil did, for the sheer skill they show in knowing how to work the game (literally if you have the time give it a watch):
Well, everything first went really smoothly. I knew how to break the blocks and how to survive, only needed to look up how to craft some stuff. I build a house, and it was beautiful. I crafted a bucket and milked some cows, then drank the milk. While walking around the house, I notice a lava pit. I wonder if you can get the lava in the bucket, and you could. I walk in my house, and think of what I should do. I wonder if I can drink this "lava" and attempt to drink it like I did with the milk. I place the lava on the roof and set the whole wooden house on fire, and I try to take it out with the cows milk, but kept on drinking it. I ran to get some water and the house is fully burnt down with nothing left but cobblestone, a bed and the furnace.