I believe fall damage should be disabled because: Eggs Fire aspect OP zombies Eggs aren't too hard to come across, but they to devastating damage to players, bringing them to half a heart Fire aspect is just a pain to deal with, most players hate it, but those who have it love it OP zombies are on almost every map, and pretty much ruin the game for those who can't protect themselves. So, yea, disable fall damage kthnx
No Support takes the awareness out of Infection you know when youre in those op spots its down impossible to get you.
Think of Cliff, Dragonland,Temple Coastal Cliff, Carnival, Rust, Biomes. Fall damage plays a pretty big part in these maps. No support.
No support. Think of it - If you were in a real life zombie apocalypse, and you were on the roof of an infected tower, zombies would corner you to the edge and you would fall and die. It's just the way of a zombie infection, you should never jump down from high places, especially cliffs. Removing fall damage would ruin the feel and style of Infection.
Neutral. Maybe not completely take it away, but give boots with feather falling as you rank up so that you take less damage. I don't think it should be completely removed, as it could possibly make maps more human based.