It was working fine yesterday, but as of this morning (I don't know when it started) the scoreboard is no longer displaying money and ranks, /rankup doesn't work but shops, /pay and /warp all do. Please can OP Prison be fixed. Thank you
Sell signs dont work, nothing works. OP Prison has fallen. I think to make it better, more fun gm I think there should be a reset. Please dont hate on me, Im just expressing my opinion
Due to Duplicating on the pvs prison was broken when you did /pv 1 and took something out it would replace it with the same thing so you were pretty much getting unlimted supply's. that's why the servers have been weird but now it is cleared up if you are done with these errors request a moderator to close this :D
It is bannable. But its almost impossible to catch someone duping. I'm glad they disabled pvs (except for the fact i lost all my stuff in it)
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: