Kxng's Moderator Application *Introduction* Hello, my name is Kxngs or you may know me as some of my other In game names that will be stated later on in my application. This is a different application because I felt like I needed to make some changes to improve this. I have improved myself within the last few months. I got banned about a couple months ago and I have changed since. I apologize for what I may have said to you in the past if I have said anything disrespectful or rude. I am applying for the moderator position because I want to help this server out and make Mineverse a better place to be. I want to do as much help as possible and if I am accepted I will not let you down. Now lets get on into it! How old are you? I turned 13 years a couple of months ago What is your in- game name? My in-game name is Kxngs and here are all of my past names: Kxngs (currrent) Lithiium (3/29/16-4/29/16) XxxxLionxxxX (2/28/16-3/29/16) xXxLionGamerzxXx (1/22/16-2/28/16) PowerMovesPvP (12/11/15-1/22/16) Boss_Lion38 (11/11/15-12/11/15) PowerMovesLion38 (6/29/15-11/11/15) 3Grant8Miner (original) (6/15/13-6/29/15) What timezone do you live in? I live in PST (Pacific Standard Timezone) What languages do you speak? I speak fluent English and a little bit of spanish Do you have 2fa enabled Yes! Do you have a recording software for recording evidence? Yes I have Bandicam and I make reports daily Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a mod for numerous reasons. For one thing I believe that I have many of the traits for being a moderator and here they are. Friendly I consider myself to be a very friendly person. I think that if I ask many people they would agree with that. Whenever I see a new player asking for help I do my best to answer their questions and help them with the game. If someone is upset for a reason I do my best to make them happier and enjoy what they are doing. Also, I have a very easy time making friends on this server Active I am very active in game and on the forums. I may have joined the forums somewhat recently and am still a little ways away from getting active member I do not believe that this is a major issue. I am on in game a lot also and I am getting to know new people that I wouldn't normally talk to and become friends with them. I play on mostly every game mode. You most likely will see me on Infection, op pvp, kit pvp, factions, survival, creative (for building maps), and prison. Mature I may not be the most mature person out there. I like to joke around and yes that has gotten me in trouble. I have said things that I shouldn't have said in the past. I am working on these things and yes I may have gotten somewhat out of control sometimes but I want to be more mature and I think that is something for me to work on. Good leader I have good leadership skills. For one thing I used to be a captain of my hockey team and I think that has proved me to be a good leader. Knowledge I have good knowledge of the moderator commands and here they are: /ban [player] [reason] appeal @mineverse.com~ Lith /tempan [Player] [Time] /mute [player] [time] /kick [player] /fly I also know how to spot a hacker and exactly what hacks they are using. I have hacked in the past (never on Mineverse) a long time ago on random servers but I haven't used hacks in a long time. Hard-Working I am a very hard worker. I like to put effort into everything I do and make it as good as possible. I love the feeling of a job well done. Fast typer I am a somewhat fast typer with 70 wpm typing speed How long can you be on the server every day? Weekdays 1-4 hours weekends 1-6 hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse since late 2013 but made a forums account only recently Have you ever been banned in the past I have been banned 3 times in all. The 2 times I got banned In game was a lobby ban for death wishes. This one still makes me annoyed and I still I have a little trouble getting over it. I also got banned on on infection for glitch abuse. I did get banned on the forums once for making an alt account as an April Fools joke. Do you have any experience as a moderator? I was a moderator on a small server that doesn't even exist anymore. It had a max of about 50 people a day and I left it because I didn't want to be there anymore Outro Thank you so much for the people who support and if you do not support please tell me why. Link to my first application http://www.mineverse.com/threads/lithiiums-mod-application-global.74636/ Thank you! support count Support:14 Neutral:12 No support:5
No support. -Do more reports -Delete the space at the end of your application -Work on activity on other gamemodes ~Best of luck!
Neutral, reasons: Not active on forums. Play more gamemodes. Remove the 5 spaces at the bottom of your app. Good Luck
Neutral, reasons: ~Get active member on forums. ~You don't need blank space at the bottom of your application. ~Play globally. ~Who are you?
Support:P I mean your application might be missing a bit of information but I know you in-game. I've only seen you on kit pvp and infection so maybe change it so you are only a mod on those game mode instead of being global. Be a mod on the game modes you actually enjoy playing
I play globally and you don't need active member. I play on all games I just don't play as much on those.