My impressions of you before we met verse my impressions of you now Side note: I don't really know many people on the forums at the moment (working to change this) so I'm not expecting many replies but who knows? Bring it on :>
First impressions: You seem friendly and you have a cool forum name XD Now: Haven't really gotten the chance to get to know you better (hope I eventually do!) but from what I can tell you are chill and very friendly!
First impressions: You seem friendly and get along with people well. Now: I have seen you around the forums and in game quite a bit now. You are a cool person and I would love to get to know you better :P
First impressions: I love the profile picture and you seem chill :> Now: I see you around the forums a lot, you are really helpful.
First impressions: when Inforst met you I swore I knew you from somewhere. We got along really well and we became friends almost straight away. Now: You are a really chill person and it turns out I don't know you from anywhere XD. Also... *little yellow minion here* BANANANANAAA!! :D
First impressions: You are pretty good at pvp and you were nice enough to team with me Now: you are a cool person, haven't seen you around as much as I would like to, I think we are online at different times :(. First impressions: Ok! I see you around the forums aloootttttt, I have also seen you in game a few times which was cool. Now: still haven't gotten the chance to get to know you better, I hope this can change First impressions: Cool name dude, I have seen you round the forums but never in game Now: YAY I SAW YOU INGAME :> still got a swagger name First impressions: I have seen you in game quite a bit, to your friends you seem cool though I don't really know you :( Now: still don't really know you :(
First impressions: don't really know you but your name suggests you are really smart ;o Senpai teach me your ways XD. Now: still don't really know you but you seem chill. First impressions: Now you my friend I see a LOT of, around the forums and in game. Now: you are really nice, welcoming and friendly to everyone and I know I have already said this but congrats on mod :P you deserve it!