Yo nubs, So I recently went along the servers, and cursed. But it didn't work. Why? The chat filter. The chat filter is working perfectly fine, no doubts, but it is going a little far. There are so many words that shouldn't be filtered. Here are some of them: damn: I personally don't get why this is filtered anyway, it is barely used as a swearword, and it doesn't have a vulgar meaning. a*ss: So this has a pretty funny background. When I was moderator I had a ton of people to ban, where the word 'assassin' appeared in names. You can't ban them, as the chat filter is blocking it. It is hard to /msg to, let's call them 'assassin'-people, or teleport to them. It has many issues. Example words: 'Ca*ssie', 'Pa*ssword', 'Harra*ssment' gay: Gay is a word that is actually meaning homosexuality. Although I know that the word 'gay' is used as swearwords like 'Omg you are gay!', or 'I'm feeling gay today.', but still, I experienced a lot of cases where people were feeling discriminated by their sexuality being censored. bum: Alright. I am just adding this now, because I still have no clue why 'bum' is filtered. It shouldn't be. spic: What is spic. Seriously, I tried to write 'suspicious, and it turned into sumeepious. I need help here, could anyone explain me what 'spic' means? These are only a few examples which I remembered spontaneosly. I would like to know what your opinion is, I am really curious about what the community thinks about this. ~Olivxr <3
Support. Maybe not the gay, because people will try to use it as an insult, but the other two I fully support removing!
Support for the first two to be added back, just not 'gay'. If people actually learnt to control themselves and not use 'gay' as an insult, then sure, we could add it back. Imo, having people use it as an insult is more insulting than having it blocked by the filter.
Thanks vm for supporting! I get what you mean, thanks for reading anyway! Is there a reason you refer to?
So many people use this as an insult, there's hardly anyone who actually says the word meaning something nice so I think this should sadly stay filtered. Support for the other two
If someone uses a word and offends someone you should just have the right to report it rather than having it flitered. Also you can't use commands with those words in it. For example Nig Nighs Night Renig Benign Enigma Knight Niggle Niggly Nighed Nigher Nights Nighty Renigs Enigmas Knights Nigella Niggard Niggled Niggler Niggles Nighest Nighing Nightie Nightly Nigrify Pfennig Snigger Sniggle Sniglet Tonight Wanigan Beknights Benighted Benignant Benignity Brannigan Denigrate Enigmatic Fortnight Knighting Midnights Niggarded Niggardly Niggliest Nigglings Nightcaps Nightclub Nightfall Nightglow Nightgown Nighthawk Nightjars Nightless Nightlife Nightlong Nightmare Nightside Nightspot Nighttide Nighttime Nightwear Nigrified Nigrifies Nigritude Nigrosine Nigrosins Overnight Renigging Sennights Sniggered Sniggerer Snigglers Sniggling Wannigans Weeknight Beknighted Benignancy Brannigans Denigrated Denigrates Denigrator Fortnights Knighthood Midnightly Niggarding Nigglingly Nighnesses Nightclubs Nightdress Nightfalls Nightglows Nightgowns Nighthawks Nightlifes Nightlives Nightmares Nightscope Nightshade Nightshirt Nightsides Nightspots Nightstand Nightstick Nighttides Nighttimes Nigrifying Nigritudes Nigrosines Overnights Shenanigan Sniggerers Sniggering Weeknights Beknighting Benightedly Benignantly Benignities Denigrating Denigration Denigrative Denigrators Denigratory Enigmatical Fortnightly Knighthoods Nightingale Nightmarish Nightscopes Nightshades Nightshirts Nightstands Nightsticks Nightwalker Overnighted Overnighter Shenanigans Unignorable Yesternight Kys kyse kyst kysse kyste akysid markys walkys akysids cokysse janskys skysail skyship skysill skysails skyscape skyships skyspace skystone hackysack skyscapes skyscrape skyspaces skysurfer buttinskys hackysacks skyscraper skysurfers skysurfing skysweeper skyscrapers skyscraping microjanskys skyscrapered The list for each goes on and on and on and on.
That was extensive. Support. I am also fairly certain that with kicks, not bans, you can put the letters of their name in and the plugin fills out the rest purely on who is online. I know that doesn't work with bans, but at least there is a way around it for kicks.