100 Questions 1. Real name: Janice 2. Nickname: Don't really have one but some of my irl friends call me Ja-nice-nice 3. Favorite color: Aquamarine 4. Gender: Female 5. Race: Chinese American 6. Age: 14 7. Sexuality: Straight 8. Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert 9. Hair color: Black/dark brown 10. Tall or short: Short. 5'1 11. Sweats or jeans: Jeggings 12. Phone or camera: Love to use both, but I use my phone more 13. Health freak: Yes 14. Orange or apple: Both 15. Do you have a crush on someone: Not atm 16. Guy friends or girl friends: Both but I make girl friends easier 17. Piercings: None 18. Pepsi or coke: Coke 19. Have you been in an airplane and how many times: Sure have, too many times 20. Have you been in a relationship: No 21. Have you been in a car accident: Yes 22. Have you been in a fist fight: Sorta, it was with my brother. 23. First piercing: None 24. Best Friends: You know who you are ;) 25. First award: I don't remember but I've recieved a lot of awards. [Bowling, Kung Fu, Piano] 26. First crush: A guy in middle school 27. First word: Chocolate 28. Any talent: I love to sing, although I wouldn't say I'm good at it 29. Last person you talked to: My brother 30. Last person you texted: One of my irl friends 31. Last person you watched a movie with: My family 32. Last thing you ate: Candy 33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Divergent 34. Last song you listened to: Like a Lion By: Bryan Lanning 35. Last thing you bought: A new lamp for my room. 36. Last person you hugged: My mom •Favorite: 37. Food: Pasta38. Drink: Peach green tea lemonade from starbucks 39. Fruit: Mango 40. Flower: Can't choose, I love all 41. Animal: Pandas, Wolves, Birds, Bunnies 42. Color: Aquamarine 43. Movie: Anything Disney 44. Subject: English and Math 45. Sport: Badminton, Swimming 46. Sports Team: I don't have one but my dad's crazy about the Golden State Warriors 47. Book: At the moment, Divergent 48. City: San Francisco 49. Country: USA but I would love to visit Japan 50. Song: Anything Disney, Pentatonix, or anything that has a good/positive meaning to it •Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No) 45. Fallen in love with someone: No 46. Celebrated Halloween: Yes 47. Had your heart broken: No 48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: No, unlimited texts 49. Had someone like you: Yes 50. Hated the way someone changed: Yes 51. Got in trouble with police: No 52. Had a party: Yes 53. Did something you regret: Yes 54. Broken a promise: Yes 55. Hidden a secret: Yes 56. Pretend to be happy: Yes 57. Met someone who has changed your life: Yes 58. Pretended to be sick: No 59. Left the country: Yes 60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yes 61. Cried over the silliest thing: Yes 62. Ran a mile: Yes, once every week 63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: Yes 64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: Yes 65. Disliked someone: No 66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: Yes •Currently: 67. Eating: Dark Chocolate 68. Drinking: Tea 69. Listening to: Disney Love Medley (feat. Kirstin Maldonado & Jeremy Michael Lewis) 70. Sitting or laying: Sitting 71. Plans for today: Continue shopping for new furniture for my room, cleaning my room, Minecraft 72. Waiting for: Summer 73. Want kids: Yes 74. Want to get married: It'd be nice, Yes 75. Want to travel: Yes, everywhere •What do you look for in a partner? 76. Lips or eyes: Eyes 77. Shorter or taller: Taller 78. Younger or older: Older 79. Romantic or spontaneous: Both 80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Not sure 81. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 82. Looks or personality: Personality •Have you ever:83. Lost glasses: Yes 84. Snuck out of the house: Yes, just to get extra candy from next door during Halloween 85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: No 86. Killed somebody: No, never 87. Broke someone's heart: I hope not 88. Been in love: No 89. Cried when someone dies: Yes •Do you believe in: 90. Yourself: Yes 91. Miracles: Yes 92. Love at first sight: No 93. Heaven: Yes 94. Santa Claus: No 95. Aliens: No 96. Ghosts/ angels: Yes •Truthfully? 97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Yes 98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes 99. Do you believe in God: Yes 100. Do you easily make friends: Yes Thanks for reading Keep Smiling
What about thistles? What am I? :( SAMEEEE Again, SAMEEEE Also, how do you make those little sprite things? Like your signature, or in Pile's info, or Tinkerbell right next to '100 Questions'?
They look pretty cool to me. They're gifs I found from Google or some other websites. The ones in our info's were made by @leafu