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  • NA [Mod Application] WbcPvP_123 {Global}

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by jalyn, Apr 21, 2016.

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    1. jalyn

      jalyn Experienced Member

      May 21, 2014
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      How old are you? I am 14 years old. I am turning 15 in May.

      Your in-game name: WbcPvP_123. My old igns were wbc51702, WubbacaFTW and TewPotted. I do not plan on changing my in-game again because I like my name right now and I don't want to lose it.

      What timezone are you in? Central Time zone. I am in the Central Time zone of the United States. I do not plan on moving to another time zone any time soon. I might visit my family up north once in a while but right now I do not plan on moving to another time zone.

      What country do you live in? United States. I have lived in the United States my whole life and I am going to live here for another 20 years. I might move to other countries in the future, but at the moment I plan on staying in the United States of America.

      What languages do you speak? I speak English and am learning Spanish. I also plan on learning German. I have been taking Spanish for 2 years now. I am fluent in English because it is the language I have grown up speaking. This summer I am planning on taking German speaking classes to learn German. My goal in the next 2 years is to be able to speak in German, not 100% fluently but at least speak in German. I might learn other languages but at the moment I do not have any others I am planning on learning.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I have a youtube, gyazo, screenshots, and etc. I have 3 youtube channels that I can record videos for. I know how to use gyazo and take screenshots in-game. I have reported a lot of rule breakers in the past and I can't wait to join the moderators on clearing out the report list and making Mineverse and a cleaner and better place. I use mac programs, a couple examples are QuickTime Player, bandicam, and Mac Screen Recorder.

      Why do you think you should become a mod? Because I love this server and it has been my dream to work with the amazing staff team.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? During the week days I can be on from 4:00 pm - 10:30 pm. The times will change once in a while due to amounts of homework or studying I have. Also effects from sports. The sports will not get in the way a lot because I only play during the winter/fall which is only 3 months and those 3 months I will still have a lot of time to play in. I might go on vacations once in a while so I might not be on that much, but if I do go on vacation I will be sure to bring my labtop and phone to be on the forums or in-game while I'm away. I have played Mineverse for 3 years and I have seen a lot of rule breakers and reported a lot of rule breakers. I have the mods struggling or getting stressed out from the lists on lists of reports and I want to help clear the lists and make the server move and be a better place.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing on Mineverse since 2013, so 3 years now.
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes, I have been in-game in the past. I am no longer how I was back then. I have quit Minecraft in the past for about a month at a time. This was due to school work and irl problems happening. I have overcome those issues though and I am here to stay for a long while.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I used to co-manage a server with my friend. That server no longer exists because we both went our different ways. I have been a mod on 10 other servers and I am still a mod on 4 of them. I have been a mod on the 4 remaining ones for over a year now and it has been a blast on the 4 servers. I have enjoyed working on there forums and in-game with the players. The players respect me on the servers a lot and I enjoy playing on them. I hope to have the same feeling for Mineverse.

      Have you ever been banned in this past?
      I have been banned in the past at least 10 times. But 7 of them were false and didn't have enough proof. Two of them were disrespect and they were 2 years ago. And the other one was "hacking" and it was also false proved wrong :p :p :p :D


      Welcome to my moderator application for one of the best servers on minecraft! I am WbcPvP_123/TewPotted. I just want to get something out of the way, I would like to go by Will, my irl name because it just feels more comfortable for me. I like to play sports, I am very smart, and I enjoy playing minecraft. I have looked over the past mods and been inspired by them. Some of my inspirations were, @MaxNinja10 , @larrythebird101 , @canucksfan44 .
      These three players were some of the staff members I looked up to and still do for them.

      About Me

      I am 14 year olds and I love playing sports. I play Baseball, basketball and football. In all of my spare time I am either on the forums, dub track, or the server. I have donated for Mineverse before in the past. My favorite moderator in the past has been @MaxNinja10 . My goal is to be like Maxninja. I want to be like Max because I love how he takes situations calmly and never gets angry from disrespect or spam in chat. I play on a majority of the game modes on mineverse. I am very active on the dub track, forums, and server.

      My History

      My history on Mineverse exists of 3 years. I found Mineverse from a friend who told me about infection on a server. I logged on as a none rank and my old ign wbc51702. At first I thought it was bad, awful and boring. I played for 10 minutes seeing if it was going to change. Then it happened, a majority of the best players logged on and were rofling together left and right and it looked really cool and exciting. The Staff members also brought joy to me because I saw how active and happy they were. After that day I bought Supreme and played a lot. After about 6 months of playing infection, I moved onto OPFactions. There I joined the old Advanced faction lead by the original lionbdcraft. I was in that faction for about 5 months or so. And those 5 months were so exciting. They really brought the joy about playing on Mineverse out of me. I have been playing OPFactions for a while. I have also been playing on Op Pvp, Kitpvp, gta, Factions, prison, infection, creative, and skywars.


      I have never betrayed a true friend of mine. I've played on factions sever for almost 2 years now and I have always been loyal to my faction. Either I have plain out left a faction or joined another. I have never raided a teammate and left them. I was even betrayed by a teammate once and I didn't betray them back. I think everyone has a chance of being trustworthy and I think I am very trustworthy :D.

      Fast typing.

      I can type very fast due to me memorizing the keyboard and I have gotten used to looking away to type and being able to do it without even looking at the keyboard. I am doing it right now XD. I can type very quickly and respond fast. If I make a mistake, I will 90% of the time fix it before I post it :p. If I don't fix it I will fix it with a "*" to correct my self :p.

      Sports for me Irl

      I love playing baseball, football and basketball. I have played baseball since I was 3 and I have played football since I was 11. I have been playing basketball since I was 4. I'd say my favorite of the three is Baseball. I am truthfully an amazing Baseball player. I play for 3 competitive teams. One winter team, one spring team, and my summer team. I pitch and catch for 2 of them. The other one I play shortstop and third base. In football I am a linebacker and I am very aggressive. I am different on the field then I am while playing on MV. In Basketball I am a point guard for 2 teams. One my spring team and one my fall team.

      My School Performance.

      I am doing amazing in school at the moment. I have all A's and I am really cool with my teachers. I had to take a break in the past due to school getting tougher and the work increasing. I came back 5 weeks ago because I had my grades locked down on all A's and I knew I could keep them like that.

      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No

      Yes. I have 2FA enabled.

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No
      I think personally I do meet the requirements for staff. I have changed and I am a different person now. Everyone deserves a second chance and I hope you give me that second chance.

      I hope you enjoyed and support and have a good day Mineverse forums members. :D

      Last edited: May 14, 2016
    2. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      I knew you would do it!

      Support all the way! <3
    3. jalyn

      jalyn Experienced Member

      May 21, 2014
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      Thank you! You are one of the major inspirations that gave me the confidence to make this! Without you I wouldn't have made it in the first place <3
    4. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      You're welcome!
    5. Frooes

      Frooes Experienced Member

      Dec 20, 2015
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      I'm going to stay neutral
      • Your application is good, the coherence of it is messing me up though, and getting me confused
      • Never seen you in-game
      • There are some words that need to be capitalized, as in Youtube and any other official company
      Other than that, I think you're all good.

      Good luck.~c=
    6. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      No support, I dont see you on anything but Opfactions and OpPvP and when I saw you I dont recall seeing you being very nice... I asked why are you so mean to me and you said "Because I dont like you" mods cant say they dont like someone to their face, they are respectful people and you are not nice at all. I am pretty sure you sit on Opfactions afk most of the time...
      And @winter was there on XxPvpKingsxX I dont have proof but I have memory and I wont forget this.
      I am sorry to come of harsh, I hope this doesnt ruin the tiny bit of friendship we might have left.
      Oh and also, work on doing more reports.
      Good luck, I dont think I will change my mind until I see you do more reports and act more mature.
    7. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      agreed. No Support
    8. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      You aren't mature enough to be a moderator.

      You only play OPFactions and OP PvP even on them you're still disrespectful.

      You would easily abuse your powers on people who kill you as you're that immature.

      This is just a overall no support.
    9. TADS

      TADS Guest

      No support.
    10. jalyn

      jalyn Experienced Member

      May 21, 2014
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      Thank you!
    11. jalyn

      jalyn Experienced Member

      May 21, 2014
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      Thank you for your opinion!
    12. jalyn

      jalyn Experienced Member

      May 21, 2014
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      Thank you for your opinion! :P
    13. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      You defiantly have a no support from me.

      and most people seeing this will most likely not support you, you're immature, disrespectful, unworthy of mod.
    14. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      No support, sorry.

      • You triple post, when you can use the "Edit" button.
      • You don't make a lot of reports.
      • I only see you on OPFactions and OP PvP.
      • You really aren't respectful or mature enough to become moderator.
      Why do you skip "Have you ever been banned before?". Do you think people won't notice, or are you ashamed of how many bans you have had?

      Good luck.
    15. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      Don't forget to mention this xD
    16. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      Neutral, sorry.
    17. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      @xXPvPKingsXx no need to reply saying no support 3 times.
    18. MrPinkBunny

      MrPinkBunny Active Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      No Support:
      Reasons Stated above
    19. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Neutral. Do more reports and I've only saw you on OP PvP.
      -Good luck! c:
    20. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      Wbc, I really admire that you're applying. But, I don't think you're the right person for this position.
      Your immature sometimes.
      You play on Op pvp a lot, and it makes me feel like you're forgetting all the other amazing gamemodes.
      Your attitude, has changed a little. (In a good way)
      Reports in a good action to do to help out.
      You're a good person don't get me wrong, I hope my decision doesn't ruin our friendship;
      no support. Best of luck! :)
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