I am going to start this off by saying, please don't hate on me. I am sincerely sorry. If I do get hatred I will end up closing this. I can't really handle it. Here we go. I am not the actual person you guys think I am. I'm just a normal 12 year old. Well, some of you might say I am a liar. I am not actually 14. I guess I get more respect when I "am" fourteen than when I am twelve. People seem to like the older people more. That's why I made a dumb decision to lie. Thor and Chi, you guys were right all along. I guess I just wanted to be respected. I am ready for the hatred, but I will ask you not to hate on me. I am so,so,so,sooooo sorry. Words can't explain. Please forgive me, and ignore the person I was before. I am soooo much more than ready to change.
I don't really care that you lied. It's your decision if you want to reveal your age or not and look at me, I'm apparently female.
It's okay. It takes some courage to own up to it, and I know I sure appreciate you telling the truth. Much love, Danielle. Don't feel like you need to pretend to be someone you're not. No matter the age, you'll be respected based on how you act. People of young ages have, and always can, prove themselves to be just as mature as someone older on here. Thanks <3
I never hated for you lying; nor will I hate anyone here anyway lol. If it makes ya feel any better, sure, you're forgiven.
Don't sweat it. Why would anyone have a problem with you lying about your age? Hey, I know a couple of people who also lied about their age but I don't have a problem with them. Not like it's affecting anyone ;)
Danielle. Instead of feeling bad about doing what you done, just push yourself forward now. In the right direction. I see that you are applying for mod? If you are truly serious about gaining that position. I suggest aiming for that. Aim high. Small lies about your age. Some people maybe just want to keep that unknown? That doesn't make you a bad person, nor a liar, actually.
I closed the moderator application. I don't know if I am truly ready for the position. I am going to admit that.
That's 100% your call to make, so I respect you for that. Only have it open if you yourself believe you are ready.
age has nothing to do with moderator you can lie about your age just for protection, and security @Daddy never released his age @SSMH hasn't released his for all we know, they could both be very young