Guys Squidy424 Is my best friend In real life. He is well known around mineverse (Infection) And I know sometimes he's mean and rude, but he has anger issues and Is trying to get better... So please try to help him and forgive him for all he has done! He is a very nice person and has a great sense of humour. Please try to forgive his actions. His life is very difficult at the moment so please try to be nice. For all those people that hate him please forgive and make friends again and for all those people that know him ALOT you know he's kind and loving. Thank <3 Squidy424 ~KingSquid Please don't hate.
I've never really seen him in-game If he wanted true forgiveness tell him to make a thread himself Have a great day
You know nothing John Snowww.... :p I cannot make a decision on whether his behaviour is forgiveful or not, as I have never seen him. Yet I deal with anger issues myself, and it still doesn't affect the way I behave in-game. If these problems he has, are affecting the way he communicates in-game, I suggest he finds someone to help with his problem. Anyway, as I do not have any right to talk about his personal problems or life, and I haven't seen his behaviour in-game therefore, have a nice day
You seem to care about your friend, enough to take the time and make a thread about him. Which means you're a good friend, so I wish you luck with what it is you do / or want to do in life