I really need to make a thread on this. These are different things, however no one here is 'DDoSing'. If you wish to judge people on their knowledge of digital attacks, then maybe learn the major difference between the Denial of Service attacks. DoS is a singular attack, from a singular computer, and a singular internet connection. Thus a single person. A DDoS is an attack widely distributed, and performed by multiple people, multiple connections, and multiple computers. Not an individual person. Now, I may be wrong, but no-one in this Minecraft Community will (surely) be able to perform a distributed denial of service attack, just to shut someone down.
Oh my, you haven't come to the OpPvP community then! Everyone over there has a slight hatred towards each other so if you ask anyone on oppvp they most likely have been ddosed two to four times this week
So multiple people all gather together, to DDoS somebody. Don't you mean DoS, surely a group of people couldn't be so bothered they plan to attack someone as a group?
If they all plan a attack on each other they'll all know and just make friendship again and then go for the original target.
Well, think of it as another way. Mineverse started small, grew, and is back and shrinking. For all we know, it could be a cycle of growing and shrinking
Wow. It's kind of upsetting. We're supposed to be a kind and caring community, and petty threats like this ruin it all :/
Welcome to mineverse then? You go on opfactions kill someone who "DDoSes" and if they have your skype just say bye bye lol. Before I got my IP reset and a new Skype KillTMan2000 used to DDoS me mid fight and when I raided his fac there's a place called "waterhole" on opfactions that KillTMan2000 DDoS'd me in 24/7 and it got annoying he didn't do it for protection he done it to kill.
This isn't the end of Mineverse. Mineverse is not 'doomed'. The hacking of accounts has always been here, it's just a couple people were targeted the past couple of days. It's honestly nothing new, it's just these players were more 'popular' so a bigger deal was made out of it by you guys. Cypriot isn't inactive. Maybe he hasn't been on forums very much the past week or so, but he's been in-game a lot lately trying to figure out why large groups of players are randomly being disconnected at once. He's been working really hard to find a solution. Things happen in-real life that occupy more of our time, and loss of interest in the game is what leads to resignations. It's just something that happens in life. You can't expect someone to play a block game their entire life. I'll be closing this.