I realised that I could just take a break, but I knew that when I got back I would just get more hate. It was never going to end. I had already been inactive for a couple weeks before my resignation, and I would feel bad and would constantly think about what was happening with the server. I was too dedicated to helping and too into the server to take a break. Resigning seemed like my best option. Thank you <3
You were a great mod... Never expected you to resign so soon. I feel you with the hate, I got a lot of it and can relate perfectly.
Mods don't just ban for no reason. It's sad to see you go Para,but it's very understandable.Thanks for the service you gave.
I resigned for similar reasons. It always did amaze me that people have no respect for mods. Good luck with school.
Moderators are changing like crazy here. Thank you for your dedicated service, your time, and your work that you put into the server. You won't soon be forgotten.
To be able to tell this to the community, is just brave. I hope you are one day able to become a moderator again! Thanks for the dedication and time you have put into the server.
This is pathetic. Not you ofc, but the people. I can't believe one of our best has had to resort to this because of this bs. I can honestly relate - So many people hated me, even one of my friends who turned his back on me and tried to report me for any fault I had done. I was going to resign sooner or later, but I guess the demotion hammer hit me first ;p -------------- It was right in so many ways possible. You built disgusting builds on creative and talked sexually on both Skywars and creative. You glitch abused on Skywars which I had to ban you for, and you continued. You deserved to be perm banned on those 2 gamemodes and I am glad you aren't still waltzing on those places. You wasted your money by doing these actions, so you are responsible for it 100%. Don't expect to not be punished and do anything you want just because you spent 10 dollars on Sponsor. It's not like you bought Titan or God anyway. Age really doesn't matter, behaviour and maturity does. Right now you shouldn't be talking as you act like some person who has just realized where babies come from. If you're talking about @Pile, than it's actually great that some grown up is able to take care of this server and take care of lost causes like you.
You don't know how much I'm going to miss you being on the team. You're one of my best friends on Mv, good luck with everything <3 Been looking for this thread for like 20 minutes ;-;
We don't have a bright past Para, but I hope we can fix this. Anyway thank you for your service as a Mod and the things you did for others. You were always so kind and helpful to players all through Mineverse. I hope you get another opportunity to do this again. Thank you :(