Hello! I'm here, creating another thread on trendverse.net. Comment below to discover what my first impression of you was.
I thought you were cool, I kept seeing you on ask.fm posting stuff on Alex's page. I wanted to get to know you. My first message on your profile was: "Want 2 becomes friends? We can talk about Alex behind her back >:D Jk, only thing to be said about her is how fabulous she is" ;) I think I thought that you were some really serious person, but I had no problems with you. You turned out to be cool I instantly noticed your funny sense of humor on the forums, and I knew that I'd like to become friends with you. That's why I asked if you had skype ;) We've never talked before, so, my first impression is that you have a cute profile picture :P
I see you around on the forums a lot, and I see that you must be pretty good at sliding into them DM's
I've always thought that you were cool and I was happy when you were promoted We used to talk a lot more, at one point I was from your kitchen. I've always thought that you were gr8 :D I don't believe we've talked before, but I like your irl name Never had a conversation with you (I think) but your singing is 10/10 so my opinion of you is 10/10