As the title says, enderpearls need an extended cooldown for the following reasons: - Running away is still way too easy - Sometimes it takes 5 seconds for the pearl to land, so they can still spam away - With punch V bows, enderpearls should be more of a luxury escape - Killing is hard enough with god apples, enderpearls make it near impossible without luck Increase to like 10 seconds or something ,and no, I will not regret this decision if it gets implemented, and I see no good reason not to support this if you're a good OP PvP player. ~JazzMagic
Even if they increase the Enderpearl CD they can get away with Punch V bows and it makes it way more difficult to catch them since bow boosting actually requires some skill. Neutral for now.
Neutral 5 seconds feels like for ever when your trying to aggressive a player using a knock back stick.
No support. My pearls always seem to glitch when I throw them and sometimes they do not come out but I still have to wait the cool-down. A longer cool-down will be a pain.