what can i do for the rank? i dont have proof but i lost the 5usd from the rank i try to relog and i wait like hour and i dont have...
Hi @amit12, Email [email protected] for help. Include information about your issue, and maybe if Cyp still has a copy of the list of ranks bought recently, he may be able to recover your rank back. If you're just lying, then you won't get the rank. Hope you get what you deserve!
Pleaseuse [email protected] if you're having troubles with donations or didn't receive rank. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send an email to [email protected] Please use this template when using this section for help with lost ranks or donation issues: My exact in game name is: My purchased rank is/was: My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: Evidence ie: screenshots and/or any helpful information:
^^ She's right on, except for the spelling, but yes, you need proof as SSMH just said before, if there is no proof provided nothing can be done, Sorry.
We know what your issue is, you can help yourself more if you were to fill out the template and email support. Do you happen to have a digital receipt? If you don't, please just email support and the admins will get back to you as soon as possible, although it may take a while.
Check if you have a receipt and take a screenshot of it, then email [email protected] If this doesn't work, go on kitpvp and do /kit premium, and see if you get the premium kit. If not, try going to spawn, turning around and going into a small room with colored wool. Click the premium sign. If it says you don't have enough permissions, then you can't do anything about it.