A foreword Hello. For those who don't know, I am Fweft/Aviators/Coronet/Javelins Today, long overdue, is my apology thread. Yes, many will say "Nuuu this is fake crap he's making up to get forgiveness" But its up to you if you want to believe me or not. ------------------------------------------------------------ First off, I'd like to apologize to @Pile Message to Pile- Hello, its me. I know your opinion for me won't change But I might as well still try Firstly, I'd like to apologize for my lies I've never been honest with you Next, I'd like to apologize for the trouble I've caused Who knows where to begin... I first started making alts with offensive names I rate abused using a VPN I even made a bot to lock your account for a day I tried to hack Mineverse (Fail) And more. Lastly, I'd like to apologize for rudeness. I've went on alts and called you horrible things Which I would gladly take back But it takes a lot to regain someone's friendship And even longer, their trust. ------------------------------------------------------------ Next, I'd like to apologize to all the staff Like I said before, most of you will think that This is just fake and that I'll become the old Aviators That caused a crap ton of trouble But I won't. I've called you names I've caused you so much trouble I've even caused you to even ban me from this wonderful server And I don't blame you. ------------------------------------------------------------ Next, I'd like to apologize to @StrKillr You were one of the staff That had the most faith in me You always thought that I had the ability to change But I was too late You are the only one of the staff I even consider A friend. But I let you down. ------------------------------------------------------------ Next, I'd like to apologize to the whole Mineverse community. You somehow managed to deal with the old me I've caused you guys so much trouble As a Scammer As a Hacker As a Liar As a Cheater And more. And yes, many of you still don't believe that I'm "legit" this time. I'm doing my part. Now it is time for you to do yours. ------------------------------------------------------------ Lastly I'd like to apologize To the people I scammed Right now I would gladly give back everything Though I can't. ----------------------------------------------------------- Thank you.
I can't really accept it as of now. You continue to say you're changing, and then you slip back into your old self, with the disrespect and lies. If you want to prove you're changing, then just do it. If you can last a month without being disrespectful, or lying, then I will believe you have changed.
I got lots of hate on my apology thread so I'm just going to tell you if you get any don't let it get to you! Prove them wrong! I'm still doing the same and I know you can! Good luck and apology accepted <3
Apology accepted. I've never seen you before, but I have heard of you. I hope you (I'm not sure, but somehow) get unbanned. Because I want to see you in game, and you actually do seem pretty nice
Apology accepted even though you have scammed me (numerous of times) when your name was Aviators. I still am your friend and I accept your apology I have seen the change in you on the forums and if you got unbanned In game I would love to see the change there too.
I know, Im not exactly perfect. I have my faults too. Ill try. Ok thanks I guess :D Thank you! Thank you so much! I don't remember but ok. Thanks I hope so too! Yeah I won't let it get to me. Thank you rodeen! Means a lot coming from you! I don't believe it. You're too dank
Yoo. You've been rude to me, but you need to change. Start becoming a good person then make the apology thread.