The need for food is a huge issue on survival. I know that you can get food from an animal, or a tree, but a lot of newer players are having issues getting food. ./kit food would contain: 12 steak, 1 carrot, & a fishing pole. The cool down limit would be 25 minutes.
Neutral. Food is a big part of the problem on survival, but people can easily make Wheat farms, and potatos/carrots are not TO terribly hard to get a hold of.
Yeah. But when land is hard to find when you join, newer players loose hunger trying to find land, they die, and leave.. But money lol.. This command is mostly useful for new players.
But I'm saying for smaller children who don't have the recourses to vote. I didn't know how to vote until 1 year because my mom wouldn't let me click the voting link.