Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Wolf, Apr 11, 2016.
www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1604112323038802&lnk& See how much you score
0% oops
What are you doing mate xD
100% OK WOwowW
71% I wasn't in your quiz but okaay
Want me to make a new one and Ill add you in it cx
Re-made the quiz do it now
Yeaaaah suree . LOL I was in a call with you ;)
Yeh cause you took my answers mmhm
83 o.o I guessed most of it, and I knew quite a bit already for some reason .-.
Same Delta xD Literally sped thru the quiz in 10 secs xD
Thats a true friend score cx
Awesome! I'm your best friend! xD
<3 Thanks
Really is I legit havnt told anyone those questions cx