How old are you? Right now I am 16 years old. What is my in game name? My name is Jaredfaith on Minecraft. What time zone are you in/ What country do you live in? USA east coast timezone What language do you speak? Right now, I only speak English. but next year I might take French. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? I only have screenshots at the moment but when I get more money I will have more stuff to capture evidence. Why do you think you should become a mod? I seen other great servers fall because of rule breakers, and I do not want to see it happen here on Mineverse. How long are you active on the server? Usually 4 hours when I come home from school. How long have you been playing Minecraft? I been playing Minecraft since July 2011 during beta 1.8.1 Have you ever been banned in the past on Minecraft? Yes, but here is the thing I just logged into a random server I had in my server list and got banned imitatly. I do not know how to install mods/texture packs/hacks and I was not being bad on there. I think that was in 2013. Do you have any past experience as a mod? Yes, Infact I was once a co owner of a server, but that server quickly shut down after because not a lot of people came on. Extra info I been protecting Mineverse Creative for about a year now from the occasional ip spammer to the trappers/hackers/griefers. I can be found on either Creative, Skyblock, or on Block vs Zombies.
No Support. Add more detail Become more active in-game/forums Do some reports Become more knowledgeable with the server Add some colors to make it easier to read You should look at some accepted applications to see what else you could do to improve. Good luck!
he is active ingame. add more support and detail become active in froums and dude u joined the forums on friday so you are still fairly new so if you dont get accepted thats fine just play on the server longer and be active and have fun. Good Luck
this is all copy and baste BS someone take the dang time to actually give decent feed back cause what u people are doing right now doesn't help at all EXSPLAIN URSELVES!
Ya I checked it over multiple times and I have not missed any detail I answered every question in my own way aswell so stop judging me