Hey Guys I am LegendaryEnderGG I am a Pro Builder at survival I have huge experiece there where i play so much time each day But the Most Mini-Game i love is BedWars I used to play Minecraft since 4 years i tried cracked version permuim I hate griefers/scammers/spammers I use to donate money on survival I am a Good Pvpier as a moderator i will put every person on his limit if he breaks rules because rules are rules.
No Support: Follow the application template, or this application will be ignored. This can be found in the application section. I have never seen you in-game, and you have just joined the forums today. Improve your activity. Grammar problems. There are multiple grammatical errors, which make the application look unprofessional. When, you follow the template, please add further detail. Colour, spacing and images help the professionalism. Best of luck when you decide to follow the application template. Have a nice day.
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live in? What languages do you speak? Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Why do you think you should become a mod? How long can you be active on the server everyday? How long have you been playing Mineverse? Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Please do not ask to become a staff as it lower your chances becoming one.
No support. You're not active enough on forums I don't think you're sincere. This app looks like it took you 3 minutes at most, and without much thought. At least get to understand the rules and certain things you have to look out for creating a Mod App. Get more well-known to the community. Put in the template Add more information about yourself I suggest you look at some Accepted Applications. Good luck.