You are pretty cool, we used to talk more. Hmu sometime Honestly, you're really rude. I don't know why I talk to you. ilysm tho You're a good mod and I enjoyed working w/ you for the short amount of time that I did. You're nice as well. Message me sometime :D You're pretty, and I enjoy when we talk. Cara is still mine, though. (pm me sometime!) You're really sweet and we should talk more I don't even know where to start w/ you but you're bae af and I win at the game <33 ilym Your voice & everything about you is goals. I love talking to you <3 (msg me on skype soon!)
I know :( I've always thought that you were hilarious & I enjoy talking to you. Love the accent btw I used to have you on Skype, you can message me your username if you want.