Before you just say you're name you have to fill out the template. What is you're ign? Current balance? Why should you get it? What would you do with it?
What a really nice person! What is you're ign? NoMoreSanity Current Balance? $651.58 Why should you get it? I'm a thug. What would you do with it? Save up. Don't accept this application because others might need it.
Ign: MR_B3N_123 Current balance: round 23k Why should you get it: idk What would you do with it: nothing
What is you're IGN?: xReagan_ Current Balance?: $4,843 Why should you get it?: Because I want money. ;-; What would you do with it?: Buy gapples. c':
What is you're ign? Sir_Brandon_III Current balance? $350 Why should you get it? I was recently scammed a total of $1,100 in kitpvp trying to get an upgrade. 1k would help me out a lot. What would you do with it? Get a rank upgrade (Premium to Sponsor)
What is you're ign? Herf_ Current balance? 2k Why should you get it? I would like to save up for a god -> titan upgrade What would you do with it? I would either save it up until I could have someone upgrade me from god -> titan or buy one of my irl friends a rank upgrade.
What is you're ign? Duplexy Current balance? 1115.50 Why should you get it? I would like extra money. ;) What would you do with it? Play Kit PvP a lot more once I fix my connection because I will be able to buy a lot more stuff.
Before you just say you're name you have to fill out the template. What is you're ign?IncrediJag Current balance?24$ Why should you get it?because im broke and i wan to ge tp4ub3 armor and super apples. What would you do with it?Get armor and super golden apples.
What is you're ign? _MEGA_COOKIE_ Current balance? 462 poor :( Why should you get it? I am really nice, and help the community by recording hackers! What would you do with it? Because I am poor and I really would like to save up to get a maxed set!
What is you're ign? Scorvix Current balance? 700 and something Why should you get it? I don't have much money right now, so I could use the 1k What would you do with it? I would trade it for stuff