How old are you? 16 Your in-game name: JoeyNoSalads What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time What country do you live in? US What languages do you speak? English, Spanish, Catalan Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? I use EzVid to record and yes I can screenshpt Why do you think you should become a mod? I feel like I am able to provide help to all who need it and I want to be on so when something is commited I am there to solve said problem. I ask to be a mod to help the server out with the maitenence and hopefully lower the percentage of rule-breakers. As a mod I plan to be respectful and take both sides of the arguements and then make my own decision which will be unbiased and will better suit the server and make sure the person who has really broken the rule recieves his punishment rather than making harsh actions for someone who may not be guilty. My job as a moderator will be taken seriously and will do my upmost cooperation and guidance to make sure Mineverse is running great How long can you be active on the server everyday? everyday for about 3-4 hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? for about 2 years and a half Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes I've been banned for hacking but have been un-banned because of proof of my innocence Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have, as a moderator on a towny server which has been shut down which caused me to stumble onto mineverse. A server which I enjoy and plan on doing good If accepted as a mod
of course @Meliodas and man why everyone doing no support all I want to do is help :( I understand that the description may be short but it's my first one on here and I want to use it as a template and get your feedback on how I may create a better one in the future.
No support. Be more active, on forums & in - game. Add some detail. Get to know the community. Grammatical errors. Good luck!
I'm always active in-game and forums and I know the community and yes It may need cleanup but it's a first there is always room for improvement on the first one. I'm active everyday on factions for about 4 hours
No Support Be more active in-game and on forums Get to know the community better Go on other servers than factions You can only apply for global Add a looooooooooooooooot more information Make more reports Fix your grammatical errors Add some colours and space out your text Good Luck.