1. Real name: ariana 2. Nickname: ari 3. Favorite color: black n maroon 4. Gender: girl 5. Race: white 6. Age: 16 7. Sexuality: straight 8. Introvert or Extrovert: idk between ? 9. Hair color: brown 10. Tall or short: 5'7 i think 11. Sweats or jeans: sweats indoor n jeans outdoor 12. Phone or camera: both , mainly use phone 13. Health freak: no 14. Orange or apple: orange 15. Do you have a crush on someone: yes x) 16. Guy friends or girl friends: both 17. Piercings: yes septum n 2 on each ear 18. Pepsi or coke: none 19. Have you been in an airplane and how many times: idk 20. Have you been in a relationship: yes 21. Have you been in a car accident: yes 22. Have you been in a fist fight: yes 23. First piercing: few months after birth 24. Best Friend: @Valixta @MR_B3N_123 @thorraks @Legionious 25. First award: age 12 cross country 26. First crush: age 14 i was an idiot 27. First word: mum i think 28. Any talent: idk im horrible @ everything 29. Last person you talked to: brother 30. Last person you texted: irl friend 31. Last person you watched a movie with: brother 32. Last thing you ate: chips 33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: dont remember 34. Last song you listened to: major lazor be together (liohn remix) x) 35. Last thing you bought: groceries 36. Last person you hugged: not much of a hugger irl so i dont remember •Favorite: 37. Food: dont have a fave 38. Drink: water ? idk 39. Fruit: watermelon 40. Flower: blue bells x) 41. Animal: black bear 42. Color: maroon n black 43. Movie: day after tomorrow 44. Subject: phys ed 45. Sport: volleyball n football 46. Sports Team: canadiens x) 47. Book: ill get back to this after i remember 48. City: home city toronto x) 49. Country: australia i wanna go there heh 50. Song: so many •Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No) 45. Fallen in love with someone: yes 46. Celebrated Halloween: no actually lOL 47. Had your heart broken: sure but idc anymore lmao 48. Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: yep 49. Had someone like you: first time was in grade 1 n after i found out i cried that night bc i hated him 50. Hated the way someone changed: yeah 51. Got in trouble with police: maybe shh 52. Had a party: nop 53. Did something you regret: all the time 54. Broken a promise: yeah 55. Hidden a secret: yes 56. Pretend to be happy: all the time 57. Met someone who has changed your life: not really 58. Pretended to be sick: yes 59. Left the country: yes 60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: i dont remember 61. Cried over the silliest thing: maybe 62. Ran a mile: yeah 63. Gone to the beach with your best friend: nop 64. Gotten into an argument with your friends: all the time x) 65. Disliked someone: everyone (no im exaggerating but i dislike a hella lot of ppl) 66. Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever: yes •Currently: 67. Eating: nothing 68. Drinking: air 69. Listening to: tumblr girls 70. Sitting or laying: laying 71. Plans for today: not rly 72. Waiting for: nothing 73. Want kids: ok 74. Want to get married: ok 75. Want to travel: to australia yes •What do you look for in a partner? 76. Lips or eyes: eyes 77. Shorter or taller: taller 78. Younger or older: older 79. Romantic or spontaneous: both 80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: both x) 81. Hook up or relationship: relationship 82. Looks or personality: personality •Have you ever: 83. Lost glasses: ugh yes 84. Snuck out of the house: yes age 13 85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: no 86. Killed somebody: no wtf 87. Broke someone's heart: idk im a horrible person so probably 88. Been in love: @MR_B3N_123 89. Cried when someone dies: my mom , yeah i was a wreck and didnt talk to anyone for weeks •Do you believe in: 90. Yourself: idk 91. Miracles: sure 92. Love at first sight: no lmao 93. Heaven: yes 94. Santa Claus: no 95. Aliens: no 96. Ghosts/ angels: ok maybe ghosts LOL •Truthfully? 97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: @MR_B3N_123 98. Do you know who your real friends are: yeah , ppl who i wouldnt see evryday but will b there when i need help 99. Do you believe in God: yes 100. Do you easily make friends: no x)