I'm not that big of a Reddit user so I'm posting this here instead to get your ideas. On the map Cache, I have noticed a vent in the "squeaky" part of the map that could be improved for better gameplay. The pictures below show the part of the map and my crosshair is on the point I am referencing to be changed. If the vent were able to be broken, grenades could be thrown through it to give the terrorists in the squeaky room a better chance to get themselves out of the door. Right now the only way out of the door is opening it and flashing out or having a teammate in A-main flash you out. Allowing the ability to break the vent and cause a hole in the wall would allow so many new ways of pushing onto the A site. What are your thoughts on this?
lol I (or anyone here) can't implement this. Just getting some thoughts and opinions on this to hopefully put this up on the official Reddit or something
Oh hell yeah, ez nades fam It would be like throwing nades to cat from a-site or upper tuns to lower tuns ;)
Umm and if you boost on the boxes you could see highway? Don't think that would be nice for the player who rotates from mid to A from highway. @Valve @GabeN
Who said that? ;] Btw I'm talking about the boxes in squeaky Those only need 1 person to boost you on them. If you stand on them you could actually see highway then. And if you are thinking that we could make the fan spin and we could see the A site from squeaky that wouldn't really work either, you could guard the site from there. One more negativity about this is because the nades would hit off the fan. If we would make the fan spin, we would have to time the nades, when to throw them and all those stuff. A lot of people would be complaining about this because they couldn't time the nades and they would hit off and kill them. We could turn off the colisions of the fan, that would make the nades come trough 100%. But then again, would you like to see the nades flying in to your face while they fly trough a fan wing? That would make the game look stupid, just like the squeaky doors that you can actually put your gun trough them (Thats fixed now).
If they did implement this they would probably just make it look like a vent on the outside and remove the fan .