Sorry but he isn't, don't make up rumours. Everyone knows Cypriot is with Beyonce Jokes Beyonce sucks
Cyp actually has access to both accounts. I remember a while ago when he got it back and wanted to troll everyone xD Good times
It's super homosexual. But on topic to the question of this thread, Thorr had it right. Merks lost access to his old account "CypriotMerks". Fun fact, I bought him his CypriotMerkz account to replace it. A long time ago. He loves me. <3
GUYS. The reasons you have are invalid. Wrong... xD Jk -ALERTALERTALERT- It's because: Once upon a time, everyone had perfect English and so CypriotMerks. Then, people started adding lame humour and so CypriotMerkzzzzzz. Like @Nanurz
I'm pretty sure it was the email linked to it, if he forgot his password he could of simply changed it.
It's fun to see how things escalate so quickly. And hilarious. Don't worry, you weren't gonna find out what all this means anyways, and neither was I.
his Cypriotmerkz acc got banned, so the onliest way to play on this server again, is to ban evade with another acc..