How old are you? 19 Years Old. Your in-game name: _Jotunn What timezone are you in? GMT What country do you live in? United Kingdom What languages do you speak? My main language is English. However i'm able to notice German , Spanish , French , Norwegian and Romanian in chat and warn them when necessary. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? Yes if hackers are being reported i'll be be able to supply recorded / screenshot evidence towards getting the player banned / kicked / muted. Why do you think you should become a mod? I'm active majority of my spare time and you're able to easily able to get hold of me through Skype or Team speak ATM. Additionally i've been playing Skyblock servers for 5 years now and Prison servers for 2. If questions are asked in chat 99% of them i'll answer if i know an answer other wise i'll msg them saying "Sorry , I don't know :\". The other 1% will be when i'm afk. I more than able to handle 1 server by my self if no other staff members are online. Finally since i have been playing Mineverse i haven't had the experience to encounter one staff member. One reason for this could be because of my Time Zone. Therefor that will be a huge positive as it'll mean that staff are on and able to help out for a much greater percentage of the time. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I'm able to be active 4+ hours everyday. However i'm able to play for longer if needed. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I orignal started to play Mineverse on my alt account around 1 year ago. Since the i've had a 2 month break and i'm ready to return back to Mineverse everyday nearly. Have you ever been banned in the past? I've never been warned once in this server before. This includes "CAPS" e.t.c. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have had plenty of experience with moderator before on a wide range of servers. Mainly when playing on these servers I've found I was mainly the only staff member on at a given time. I've handled recording hackers and banning them due to evidence being provided. Whilst being staff on these serves I found the following commands the ones I used the most: /warn [Player] [Reason] - Mainly used for when people are spamming ( 1 and 2 ). /mute [Player] [Time] [Reason] - Mutes the player for a given reason. Mainly involved through Spam 3 or Harassment /ban [Player] [Reason] - Used if evidence is supplied to successful give a valid reason for there ban. /tp [Player] - TP to the players position. This is used when getting to hackers or Users Exploiting glitches. /tphere [Player] - Only used if needed. This could involve having to TP a player outta PvP if they are going against a hacker e.t.c. /kick [Player] [Reason] - Mainly used on the Prison Sever for Line-PvP If any further information is needed feel free to message me in game or Inbox me on here so I'm able to add you on Skype.
The name is different because the account name is different to my in game name so i included both. Sorry for any confusion .
Neutral. I've seen you around on skyblock once or twice and you seemed nice, but you could do with being more active on there and other gamemodes as well as on the forums, as you're still a new member. Also, minecraft hasn't been around for 8 years so I'm not sure if you made a typo or were lying :p Maybe you could add a little more about yourself in your application too. Good luck though
Thanks didn't notice the typo and it's been updated. Also as posted in the forums : there will be no more global moderators and they'll be limited to 2 servers. Thanks for the support!
did you not see the big text saying IDEA SCRATCHED written underneath, with the post below also noting everyone will be global from now on?
No support, I don't know you, no one knows you. Not active in-game Not active on the forums New to the forums No reports Lacks detail Good luck.
We do not have chat mods and we no longer do the 2 server moderator system. Other than that no support. Reasons stated well here.