If the player is offline I will tempban for the length of the mute. I don't run the "tempban" Multimod on forums because it would confuse people to see someone tempbaned for a mute offense. I also wouldn't want people thinking tempbaning is the punishment for a chat offense. I usually run the report as "handled" to stop confusion. Hope this answers your question.
There is no mute offline for temporary times I think. A warn is equivalent to a "warn". On the gamemodes we have /mail on, a bunch of mods like to send a message. However, what is the likelihood they will even read it? If the offender commits a second chat offense and a player provides evidence from both occasions, then a real punishment is to be carried out in-game that related to a second time chat offense depending what the situation is. There is really no ideal way to do this.
So when I first report them they will get a warning, and if they repeat it multiple times they will get muted/temp-banned?
But you can only get muted for inappropriate language but banned or temp banned for offensive? ;-; I'm confused now.
That's fine, you can be confused. This is a staff related thing. There is no reason I should be explaining anything more. This issue was resolved anyway. Closing.