Hello Mineverse! My name is Jonah and this is my mod application! Age: I am 12 years old currently Ingame name: In game, you will see me as ItzJonahMC I am in the Pacific timezone (Washington, Seattle) I speak English, and some Korean. (Parents) I am still working on other languages currently. I have the necessary means of capturing evidence. Loila, (Video recording software, very good), screenshots. I want to become a Mineverse Moderator because I have always wanted to be responsible for a server thriving. I also think I should become a mod because I have some great ideas about how to improve the server, and if I have some power of the SUPERIOR Mineverse, I think I will have an easier time making it come to reality. I am friendly, and if I wasn't in the past, I am sorry and I will try to fix what I did wrong. Activity: I am sorry, but I do have schoolwork and such, I am a busy boy! On Monday through Thursday, maybe, just MAYBE, i can fix some gametime in. On Friday through Sunday, around 6 hours a day. I am not crazy and play 7 hours everyday, no. I always think about what I can improve on this server at school and at home, and when I can play, (Friday-Sunday) I carry out my thoughts. I wish I could play more, and I might be able to in the future, but for now, 0_0. I have been playing Mineverse for around 9 months i think. It is a great server and I am proud to be a member everyday. I hope I play Mineverse until I someday rage quit Minecraft in the future. (Just kidding). I would like to be a member until I die. Ban records: Sadly, I have been banned in the past 2 times. One was real: I was banned from Infection for one day, for profanity. I have learned from my mistakes and I will never do it again. The 2nd ban was a false ban. I got banned in kitpvp for "hacking" when i wasn't. I got unbanned 2 days later because of my ban appeal. I do have some past experiences as a moderator in some very minor servers, but they all either crashed or had an error that didn't work with my Windows or something. Popularity: I would think myself as pretty popular and well known in the Mineverse universe. I am pretty sure that 90% of all Mineverse members know me and are friends with me. Closest friends" This is unnecessary, but I will thank the people who have made my Mineverse experience great. cece27c, Anthony_Le, SgtIceHawk, TADS4, Littleball, KillerPanda247, Matt-yoda11, teengirlonfire, TangyLemonade, richukoray171, js1125, DtrJr, AncientMelon, Inefable, knobula, gwyuniverse562, AidanChase17, FreakFace109. These are some of my closer friends. I thank other friends too, as they contributed to my love of Mineverse. Like I say to all my servers, "Give Me A Try Man. If You Don't Like Me, Then Kick Me From Mod. At Least Give Me A Try." I sincerely hope you guys enjoyed my moderator application. But if you have constructive criticism, please feel free to say so. I am happy to change a better way. Number: Edited for user safety Youtube Channel: ItzJonahMC Does MC
Neutral. -Don't give out personal info. (Your number) -Do more reprots -Involve yourself in the community ~Best of luck!
It should be I. No Support Never seen you in game Get more hackers/reports Grammar Mistakes Good Luck
No support Probably messed that up >.> I never heard of you before. After looking through your profile, I see you as immature and not ready for this position. Good luck though.~
We are good friends and all, but I'm sorry I'll have to go with no support, reasons are stated above. Good luck!!
No support. I only saw you 2 times, 1 was you on kitpvp and you were hacking. Another time was on infection and you hackusated me and 3 other people. Also you advertised all of your threads which makes it less likely to be accepted. You also have too little information for this app. Saying I love mineverse doesn't increase your chances. Good luck.