hello i lost my /home home when i /sethome raid and imnotsure why as and i really need a mod to tp me back to the coords of my base thank u
Thanks But i hardly think i trust a non mod with my coords and also anyone with fly hax would not merrilly allow me to record them as they know i would.
Oh well then your out of luck. Unless NoobCrew or the Co-Owner does the /tp command to your cords, (which is extremely unlikely) there will be like no chance of you getting back. I don't think any mods would want to fly for that long and far.
You're asking the mods to abuse. There is no way to tell if it is your base, someone else base or just the wilderness. Just run back to it.
This is correct, no staff member (I'd think) would ever teleport you to any cords. I don't think they can even /tp (cords)
Yes, if I'm not wrong you can only /tp to players, but not /tp (coords). Hmm... I don't think there's much way for you to get your base back, just try running back there. Sad to say, but it's extremely unlikely for Cyp/Crew to tp you to the coords.
Yeah, unfortunately we cannot do that. It would be abuse of our power. If you want to get back to your place, you will have to run. Sorry we can't help. :(
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: http://www.mineverse.com/forums/help.10/create-thread