I bought 3 sponges today and I found out that other players can destroy them. I came on to find this guy griefing my plot :c he destroyed my entire floor and did not keep anything safe.
Sponges are more complicated than they appear. Let me give you an idea of the dimensions than they protect. When you place a sponge it will protect exactly 4 blocks down 4blocks up and 4 blocks to the sides it will protect 5 but use it for creeper protection of 1 block. Also, in order to protect your place from grinders I suggest never typing people to your place, everything can be grieved. Cover your base with water on the top from the top of the world. If you need anymore help or info. Just msg me on skygrid when I am on.
This always happen to me. I had 3 Sponges placed at my old island and it was destroyed. I thought it would be protected for a trade, but it turns out that my island was being griefed. When I destroy a Sponge I placed, the name doesn't say "Protection Sponge", it says "Sponge".
When you place the sponge does it say under your bar inventory (Protected) in green letters? If not break it and place again until it says that. If it does not then the sponge protection plugin is the problem
Nope, it has the default name "Sponge". So I sold that Sponge cause I knew that Sponge wouldn't work. I got a couple of my friends to test the Sponge and they can destroy it. I have a new Sponge now named "Protection Sponge", instead of "Sponge". I haven't got any of my friends to test that Sponge yet, but I will. Also when I place the Sponge with the default name, it says that it's protecting 20x20.
Well the sponge are protecting the area right? But you can break he sponge, then why not just put blocks around it :S